Montag, 20. April 2020

Don't wash your face!

Don't wash your face!

Something very strange I want to share with anyone who wants to stay in a cold country such as Finland; Don't wash your face if the temperature is under minus ten degree. You better not put on some make up, suncream or other cremes. If you do, your whole face will be frozen in some minutes which make you feel like it's even much more colder than it already is. In addition, your skin produces a natural grease film which protect it from the cold. Whenever you wash your face, this grease film will be wash away as well. I didn't washed my face for one week as well and it felt surprisingly good - better than I expected.

Inhabitants from Lapland do not wash their face during the whole cold period in winter. Furthermore, they wear woolen socks instead of the "normal" synthetic socks and loose cloths. The reason for it is that the air between the skin and the cloths can warm up and it keeps you warm as well. If it's freezing cold, you should also wear different layers. Those are my advices for staying alive in the cold!

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