Montag, 20. April 2020

My beloved bike

My beloved bike

Right after my arrival I was looking for a bike. I am a passionate biker and wanted to do a bike tour along the Archipelagos around Turku in spring. So, I found a "bike dealer" on Facebook who was very cooperative.
The bike cost only € 40.- and it has three gears. It was an old white lady bike and perfect for Turku. Everywhere I went, I went by bike. I recommend to ride around with a bike and you can explore so many spots with it.
If there is no snow you even don't have to use the bus. You are so much faster to go somewhere by bike because of the bus route, the bus always needs more time. By bike you can reach the city from student village within 10 minutes. Whereas, by bus you need around 20 minutes.
During winter time the cycle tracks are always in a very good condition; the frozen and snowy paving is treated with salt and little stones which makes it easy to ride on it.

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