Montag, 20. April 2020

Campus Sports

Campus Sports

To keep me healthy and active I got the membership from Turku university’s gym the first day I arrived. Especially during wintertime in Scandinavian with those short days it’s hard to do something else than sleeping or watching Netflix..  The membership cost 44€ for the whole semester. There is a small additional fee (8€) for the key tag which you need to get into the gym. You can use it from January till April during the spring term. The gyms are open every weekday from 6-7am till 10-11pm and on weekends the open a little bit later. There are five different gyms where you can different equipment to do exercise. My favorite gym is ASA gym because it’s bigger than this one in Educuarim and just a few minutes apart from Student Village, where I live. Sometimes the gym is crowded. But one thing I’ve noticed is that Finn prefer to go jogging outside instead of using the equipment from the gym even it is very cold outside.  Moreover, they provide almost 100 hours of instructed sports classes weekly and over 20 hours ball sports shifts. You are able to reserve the classes online a week before it take place. 70% of available places in each class can be pre-reserved and 30% are available on a first com, first served basis. I wanted to try every course they offer to us. I like Pump, bubble football and Twerk the most. Pump is really intense and in a big group (around 50 people). Bubble football is so much fun, it’s always about to push others and not about the ball or the win. The twerk class is quite difficult (well, I’m a bad dancer but anyway). The sports classes are a good chance to get to know new people as well. Furthermore, you do something good for your body! So I would recommend to get the membership to anyone which is staying in Turku for a longer time. It’s definitely worth the money.

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